Waqas is completing his postgraduate studies in Neuroscience at Kings College London, where he is investigating multidisciplinary approaches to the treatment of chronic pain. Another strand of his research focuses on cognitive flexibility, and his research interviews with world-leading brain scientists include Daniel Levitin, Ray Kurzweil, Noam Chomsky, Rand Spiro, Douglas Hofstadter and Iain McGilchrist.
As a professional speaker with Kruger Cowne, Waqās speaks about each of these domains with authority; but above all, he is passionate about how such seemingly unrelated fields can actually serve to inform one another, often providing unique creative insights that would be unimaginable through hyper-specialization.
“Increasingly, the solutions to problems are found at the intersection of multiple fields… experts in highly specialised fields can be part of a team, but the team leader needs to bridge With eloquence, clarity and authority, Waqas made a powerful case for multi-dimensional thinking as essential to personal fulfilment and collective problem-solving in the 21st century fields.”
Royal Society of Arts, Manufacturing and Commerce (RSA)